Women in Innovation Forum: Challenges vs Chances for Women in Innovation
3 - 4:30 pm
Lam Woo Lecture Theater (LT-B), HKUST
The topic of the forum is “Challenges vs Chances for Women in Innovation”. The forum is open to our faculty, students, staff and secondary schools.
Keynote Speaker
Christina Zhang
Treasurer, Director of Corporate Strategy, DJI
Panel Discussion
Moderated by
Prof Kellee Tsai
Division Head and Chair Professor of Social Science, HKUST
Panel members
Christina Zhang
Treasurer, Director of Corporate Strategy, DJI
Angie Lau
Chief Executive Officer, Clover Group International Limited
Theodore Ma
Co-founder, CoCoon
Dr Sabrina Lin
Vice-President for Institutional Advancement, HKUST
Zarina Abdussalamova
Year 3, BEng Logistics Management & Engineering, HKUST
Talia Chan
Year 2, BEng Aerospace Engineering, HKUST