Hard Sell: Alternative Proteins & The Fight for the Future of Food
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Lecture Theatre L
On the International Women’s Day, Asia’s Green Queen and global food systems expert Sonalie Figueiras will introduce the audience to the world of alternative proteins, why we need them, Asia’s role in the future of food and how we can sell consumers the alt protein dream.
- What are alternative proteins & why do we need them?
- Overview of main alt protein technologies
- Overview of why animal protein production is not sustainable
- The global alt protein landscape: what role will Asia play?
- Who are the main players and where are the main hubs
- Asia spotlight and why the region is so key
- How can we sell consumers the alt protein dreams in a world fighting a climate emergency?
- Who are the consumers of alt-proteins?
- Examples of alt-protein marketing
- What are some major alt protein trends to watch?
Welcome all HKUST UG and PG students, staff and faculty to join.
The guest lecture session is co-organized by the Department of Marketing and the Sustainability/Net-Zero Office.